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T'ai Chi for Beginners

Adult Enrichment / Fitness -
2024 Fall Adult Catalog

Rochester T'ai Chi Practitioners (RTCP), a group of T'ai Chi enthusiasts who practice T'ai Chi year-round, invite you to join us to start a lifelong enjoyment of a sequence of gentle T'ai Chi movements and exercises. These movements help to stretch muscles and joints, improve body balance, along with many other physical and mental benefits. In this beginner class, you will learn the standardized Beijing 24-form T'ai Chi. We emphasize continuous lifelong practices to achieve and maximize the benefits of the T'ai Chi exercises.

Albert Lee

Albert is an active member of the Rochester Tai Chi Practitioners (RTCP) practicing various form of Tai Chi movements since 2000. RTCP is a group of Tai Chi enthusiasts practice weekly all year round and promote Tai Chi as a lifestyle changing experience to harness many physical and mental benefits.


  Albert Lee

John Adams Middle School : Rm 150 Gym 1 South
Thursdays, Sep 26 - Dec 5
5:45 - 6:30 PM

  No Class Oct 17 & Nov 28


Min Age   15 yr.

Fewer than 5 spots left

Price: $ 55 00