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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
Each of these programs utilize Eleyo, an online registration system that allows you to have one account for all these entities.
A Community Education Gift Certificate is a perfect gift for anyone. Gift certificates are available in any dollar amount you desire.Call or stop in our office to purchase a Gift Certificate.
Limit one discount per class
Adult Cancellation Policy:
To withdraw from a class, you must contact the Community Ed office at 328-4000 (option 1). You are not able to withdraw from a class online.
REFUNDS for Effortless Excursions are specific to each Excursion.
If you withdraw from a trip prior to the "No Refund" date listed in the description, you will receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee.
If you need to withdraw from a trip after the "No Refund" date:
To withdraw from a trip, you must contact the Community Ed office at 328-4000 (option 1). You are not able to withdraw from a trip online.
Q: I am registered for a trip. When do I get my tickets?
A: You will get your tickets when you board the bus on the day of the trip.
To withdraw from a class, you must contact the Community Ed office at 328-4000. You are not able to withdraw from a class online.
Please see our refund policy at the link below.
Enrichment Course Refund Policy
Information is separated by program area:
If you know the title of the class or know specific search terms or class number, you can also enter these terms in the search box located at the top of the page.
In all weather related circumstances, local radio stations will announce our cancellation or you can call the Weather Line at 328.4010. You may also sign up for automatic notifications from our school district through Skylert by registering here. Our staff will contact you with class schedule information as soon as we can.
Community Ed's Inclement Weather Policy is:
Be sure to check your spam folder as some email providers send automated messages to the spam box.
In all weather related circumstances, local radio stations will announce our cancellation or you can call the weather line at 328.4010. We will contact participants with rescheduling information as soon as possible.
Our policy is as follows:
Yes, we are! We are however, self-funded.
Since you are part of the Rochester Public Schools, why can’t you see if I qualify for scholarships, or any of my child’s health concerns?
Although we are part of the district, those records are confidential and we need permission from parents to view that information. When appropriate, we do ask for permission during registration.
PAIIR’s Refund Policy
If you drop a class with a session of FOUR WEEKS OR LESS, you must do so 24 hours before the 1st class meeting to receive a refund, minus a $5 processing fee. *Refunds will not be processed for classes that meet only one session.
If you drop a class with a session of FIVE OR MORE WEEKS, you must do so within 48 hours after the 1st class meeting to receive a refund, minus a $5 processing fee.
Primary account holders will receive e-mail notification that billing statements are available online every two weeks. Payment is due upon receipt and may be paid online or mailed to School Age Child Care (201 8th Street NW, Rochester, MN 55901). Payments may also be placed in the Northrop Community Education drop box located across from the main entrance by the flagpole. Parents/guardians may choose the “Automatic Billing” option for a 10% discount as well.
1. Log into your account at https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com. Enter your email address and password.2. Use the drop down Explore All Programs in the upper right corner.3. On the left side of screen is a dark blue box – click on School Age Child Care.4. In the middle box click on Account Management.5. Click on Latest Invoice.6. From there you can click Make a Payment, or use Pay button on left7. When finished click checkout, and then process payment to complete the transaction.
1. Log onto your account at https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com. Enter your email address and password.2. Use the drop down Explore All Programs in the upper right corner.3. Select School Age Child Care / Field Trips (left column).4. Click on Learn More (lower right column).5. Click school/site location & trip/activity you want.6. Scroll down & Select Enroll Now.7. If you want additional trips, select Continue Shopping.8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select School Age Child Care /Trips.9. You will need to repeat steps 5 through 8 if you want to register for multiple trips.10. When you are done select Checkout and pay for your trips.
Once it is approved you can check your enrollments by logging into your account at:
Registering for Non-School Days (No School Enrichment Days (NSED))
1. Log into your account at https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com. Enter your email address and password.2. Welcome to Your Account page. Click on your account under the gray Your Account header. If you have multiple children you will need to repeat this for each child.3. School Age Child Care page. In the left column click on Register Non-School Days. Choose Attending Child and continue.4. Choose Seasons, and continue.5. Click on the days you want, and continue.6. Open up each day (little down arrow) and click your child’s Summer SACC site for that day. To check your registration for non-school days: Click on your child’s current SACC contract and scroll down below their current SACC calendar to see if there are any NSED’s selected.
Schedule Change Directions
All schedules/changes need to be in one (1) week (7 days) prior to when care or change is needed 1. Go to https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com and sign in with your email address and password.2. Welcome to Your Account page. Click on your account under the gray Your Account header.3. Below the gray Current and Upcoming Contracts header, you will see your child’s contract. Click on this and you will then have options of changing your schedule/managing authorized pick-ups, etc.4. School Age Child Care page. On the left click on “Change Schedule” and you will be taken to a screen to add and remove days of care. Make sure you are putting your changes in the correct section – AM and/or PM.5. Save your changes by clicking on Submit Contract Schedule Changes at the bottom.
Parent/Guardian Handbook
SACC Phone: 507-328-4040
Our minimum age for participants in the Adult Enrichment courses is typically 16. There are exceptions and those are noted in our course selections.
Feel free to contact us with what's on your mind.