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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
Spring is an exciting time in Minnesota for wildflowers, with an astounding number and variety in bloom. Join us as we explore Oxbow's woodlands in search of these beauties. Trout lily, violets, bluebells, trillium, and wild ginger are just a few of the species we’ll encounter. Before heading outdoors, we’ll view a brief slide presentation showcasing early and late spring bloomers that we may not see on our trip. The class will begin at Rochester Community Ed's Northrop Building for the slideshow, followed by a trip to Oxbow for the exploration. Cosponsored with Zumbro Valley Audubon Society.
John has both a bachelor's and master's degree in Biology with the master's emphasizing natural history. He has over 40 years' experience as a nature photographer. John worked 30 years at Mayo Clinic, and has now been retired for over 12 years.
John F McCormick