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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
This class will discuss the supplies needed make your very own delicious homemade jam, provide a demonstration of the jam-making process, and offer two ways to preserve the jam once it is made. There will be plenty of time for questions and at the end of class, we will sample the jam we make. Each participant will go home with their very own jar of jam.
Raechel Murphy is a long-time gardener, seed saver, and recent homesteader. Her farm, Chosen Valley Heritage Farm, has a mission to pass on traditions, knowledge, and skills through the generations.
Raechel Murphy