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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
What’s it like to play Dungeons and Dragons? Dungeons and Dragons - a timeless game of fantastical elements such as magic, mythical creatures, and fairies - offers great opportunities to develop problem-solving skills, team-building abilities, and creative thinking that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Start by learning its basics, creating your own character, and embarking on an amazing roleplaying game.
Home Technical Requirements For All Classes:
● PC needed (Windows or MacBook). Will not work on Chromebook, tablets, or phones