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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
Join us for some fun in a botanical garden setting! Olmsted County Master Gardeners invite you to join them at the S.M.A.R.T. (Sustainable, Medicinal, Artistic, Resourceful, Therapeutic) Garden for a tour and gardening education. Enjoy talking to experts about perennial gardens and their care. Walk through the garden and connect with like-minded local gardeners. After the tour, there will be time to paint a rock for your home garden or to leave at our garden rock exchange area in the S.M.A.R.T. Garden. Each class date centers around a new topic - for example, butterflies and monarch life cycles. Since this class will have a new focus each week, you can sign up for all three sections to learn about them all! This is an outdoor class, so be sure to dress for the weather. Provided by University of Minnesota Extension and Olmsted County Master Gardeners.
The Olmsted County Master Gardeners come from all walks of life. They are volunteers who share gardening best practices that promote healthy landscapes, healthy foods, and healthy lives. Master Gardeners complete a core course taught by University of Minnesota faculty and Extension educators. Upon completing the core course, they contribute their time teaching research-based horticulture practices in their communities.
Olmsted County Extension Master Gardener - Carol Wells , Olmsted County Extension Master Gardener - Emily Whitcomb