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AM/PM Preschool Care and Mid-Day Care offered
Rochester Public Schools Preschool
Register for AM/PM Care & Non-School Day Care
Register for Trips during school year at; Bamber, Jefferson, and Northrop. Summer Trips are at Ben Franklin, Gage, and Sunset Terrace.
Summer Trips for Riverside, Overland, and Sunset Terrace
As part of our 50th Anniversary of ECFE we are bringing an exciting speaker to share insight with parents, providers, and community members. Dianne is the Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Children, Youth and Families. She will speak of her work on systems change for children and families. She will get the audience engaged in a discussion about talking to children about race and racism.
Limited child care will be available during the event. We suggest registering in advance to assure we will have appropriate staffing.
Sibling Care Offered